
Welcome to Cobidex API document for developers.

This file provides the related API application introduction. Open-API includes the port to acquire balance, all orders ,and all transaction record. Ws-API response for the port of K line functions.

Getting Started

REST, a.k.a Respresntational State Transfer, is an architectural style that defines a set of constraints and properties based on HTTP. REST is known for its clear structure, readability, standardization and scalability. Its advantages are as follows:

Developers are recommended to use REST API to proceed spot trading and withdrawals.

Encrypted Verification of API

Generate an API Key

Before signing any request, you must generate an API key on API management on users dashboard via cobidex website. After generating the key, there are three things you must bear in mind:

API Key and Secret are randomly generated and provided, Passphrase is set by user.

Initiate a Request

All REST requests must include the following headings:


Generate a string to be signed - open-api Demo

1、Sort the parameters in ascending order of their parameter names in lexicographic order

2、Traversing the sorted dictionary, splicing all parameters together in "keyvalue" format (non-null parameters)

3、Use MD5 to treat signature strings

For example:

api_key = 1234567

time = 12312312312137

secret_key = 789654


Request Process

The root URL for REST access:


All requests are based on Https protocol, contentType in the request header must be uniformly set as: ‘application/x-www-form-urlencoded’.

Request Process Descriptions

1、Request parameter: parameter encapsulation based on the port request.

2、Submitting request parameter: submit the encapsulated parameter request to the server via POST/GET/PUT/DELETE or other methods.

3、Server response: the server will first perform a security validation, then send back the requested data to the client in JSON format.

4、Data processing: processing server response data.


HTTP status code 200 indicates a successful response and may contain content. If the response contains content, it will appear in the corresponding returned content.

Common Error Code

We had a problem with our server


All REST requests that return datasets use cursor-based pagination.

Cursor-based pagination allows results to be obtained before and after the current page of the result and is well suited for real-time data. The subsequent requests can specify the direction of the requested data based on the current returned results, before and/or after it. The before and after cursors can be used by the response headers CB-BEFORE and CB-AFTER.

For example:

GET /orders?before=2&limit=30

Standards and Specification


Unless otherwise specified, all timestamps in APIs are returned in microseconds.

The ACCESS-TIMESTAMP header must be the number of seconds since UTC's time Unix Epoch. Decimal values are allowed. Your timestamp must be within 30 seconds of the API service time, otherwise your request will be considered expired and rejected. If you think there is a large time difference between your server and the API server, then we recommend that you use the time point to check the API server time.

For example



In order to maintain the accuracy of cross-platform, decimal numbers are returned as strings. We suggest that you might be better to convert the number to string when issuing the request to avoid truncation and precision errors. Integers (such as transaction number and sequence) do not need quotation marks.

Rate Limits

When a rate limit is exceeded, a status of 429 Too Many Requests will be returned.


Spot API

Balance of assets

  1. Interface address:
  2. Interface specification: (get request)Balance of the assets
parameter Fill in type Explain
api_key Must fill api_key
time Must fill time stamp
sign Must fill autograph

Return value:

field Example explain
code 0
msg "suc" code>0fail
data {
total_asset:total assets
normal:Balance account
locked:Frozen accounts

Acquire full delegation

  1. Interface address:
  2. Interface specification:(getrequest)Acquire full delegation
  3. startDate,endDate interval cannot exceed ten minutes
  4. No startDate, endDate, default first 10 minutes

you can use interface and check it

parameter Fill in type Explain
symbol Must fill Market mark,btcusdt,See below for details
startDate Selective filling (Added) Start time, accurate to seconds“yyyy-MM-dd mm:hh:ss”
endDate Selective filling (Added) End time, accurate to seconds“yyyy-MM-dd mm:hh:ss”
pageSize Selective filling Page size
page Selective filling Page number
api_key Must fill api_key
time Must fill time stamp
sign Must fill autograph

Return value:

field Example explain
code 0
msg "suc" code>0fail
data as follows:
            "status_msg":"Full deal",
            "side_msg":"Sell out",
            "status_msg":"Full deal",
symbol cobidex-btc pairs cobidex-usdt pairs
btc - btcusdt
eth ethbtc ethusdt
ltc ltcbtc ltcusdt
etc etcbtc etcusdt
usdt - -

Obtain all transaction records

  1. Interface address:
  2. Interface Description: (get request) Get all transaction records
parameter Fill in type Explain
symbol Must fill Market mark,btcusdt,See below for details
startDate Selective filling (Added) Start time, accurate to seconds“yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”
endDate Selective filling (Added) End time, accurate to seconds“yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”
pageSize Selective filling Page size
page Selective filling Page number
api_key Must fill api_key
time Must fill time stamp
sort Selective filling 1Representing reverse order
sign Must fill autograph

Return value:

field Example explain
code 0
msg "suc" code>0fail
data as follows:

symbol cobidex-btc paris cobidex-usdt paris
btc - btcusdt
eth ethbtc ethusdt
ltc ltcbtc ltcusdt
etc etcbtc etcusdt
usdt - -

Cancellation of the order

  1. Interface address:
  2. Interface specification:(post Request) Cancellation of all orders as per crypto currenty paris
parameter Fill in type Explain
order_id Must fill OrderID
symbol Must fill Market mark,ethbtc,See below for details
api_key Must fill api_key
time Must fill time stamp
sign Must fill autograph

Return value:

field Example explain
code 0
msg "suc" code>0fail
data “”
symbol cobidex-btc pairs(cobidex201)
btc -
eth ethbtc
ltc ltcbtc
etc etcbtc

Cancellation of all orders of attorney according to currency pair

  1. Interface address:
  2. Interface specification:(postrequest)Cancellation of all orders of attorney according to currency pair(Up to 2,000 cancellations, more than 2,000 please revoke)
parameter Fill in type Explain
symbol Must fill Market mark,ethbtc,See below for details
api_key Must fill api_key
time Must fill time stamp
sign Must fill autograph

Return value:

field Example explain
code 0
msg "suc" code>0fail
data “”
symbol cobidex-btc pairs(cobidex201)
btc -
eth ethbtc
ltc ltcbtc
etc etcbtc

Create order

  1. Interface address:
  2. Interface specification:(post Request) Create an order
parameter Fill in type Explain
side Must fill Direction of businessBUY、SELL
type Must fill Type of list,1:limit order、2:market order
volume Must fill Purchase quantity(Polysemy, multiplexing fields)
type=1:Represents the quantity of sales and purchases
type=2:Buy means the total price,Selling represents the total number
Trading restrictions user/me-User information
price Selective filling Authorized unit price:type=2:No need for this parameter
symbol Must fill Market mark,ethbtc
fee_is_user_cobidex_coin Selective filling (Redundant fields, ignored)0,When the cobidex has the platform currency, this parameter indicates whether to use the platform currency to pay the handling fee, 0 no, 1 yes.
api_key Must fill api_key
time Must fill time stamp
sign Must fill autograph

Return value:

field Example explain
code 0
msg "suc" code>0fail
data {"order_id":34343} Successful return to the transactionID
symbol cobidex-btc pairs(cobidex201)
btc -
eth ethbtc
ltc ltcbtc
etc etcbtc

Get all trading pairs quotations on the market

  1. Interface address:
  2. Interface specification:(get Request) Get all trading pairs quotations on the market
field Example explain
code 0
msg "suc" code>0fail
data as follows: Return Value Description
date: Server time when data is returned
symbol: Transaction pairs(Transaction pairs1(base)Abbreviation_Transaction pairs2(quote)Abbreviation)
buy: Buy one price
high: Highest price
last: Latest Transaction Price
low: Minimum price
sell: Selling price
vol: Volume (latest 24 hours)
rose:Ups and downs
   "date": 1534335607859,
   "ticker": [
       "symbol": "btcusdt",
       "high": 7408.35984546,
       "vol": 0.01,
       "last": 1,
       "low": 7408.35984546,
       "buy": "3700.00000000",
       "sell": "7408.35984546",
       "rose": 0
       "symbol": "ethusdt",
       "high": 535.96,
       "vol": 6366.8591,
       "last": 20,
       "low": 279.57,
       "rose": -0.44564773

       "symbol": "ethbtc",
       "high": 1,
       "vol": 281261,
       "last": 0.1,
       "low": 0.044039,
       "buy": "0.044049",
       "sell": "0.044049",
       "rose": -0.00022701
       "symbol": "nobbtc",
       "high": 0.007419,
       "vol": 1998,
       "last": 1,
       "low": 0.007419,
       "sell": "0.00741900",
       "rose": 0
       "symbol": "ltceth",
       "last": 0.18519949,
       "buy": "1.00000000",
       "sell": "0.18328001"

Getting K-line data

  1. Interface address:
  2. Interface specification:(get request)Getting K-line data
parameter Fill in type Explain
symbol Must fill Market mark,See below for details
period Must fill In minutes,The analogy is 1 in a minute,One day is1440
symbol cobidex-btc pairs cobidex-usdt pairs
btc - btcusdt
etc etcbtc etcusdt
eth ethbtc ethusdt
ltc ltcbtc ltcusdt

Return value:

field Example explain
code 0
msg "suc" code>0fail
data as follows:
            1514445780,  //time stamp
            1.12,        //Opening price
            1.12,        //Highest
            1.12,        //minimum
            1.12,        //Closing price
            0            //volume


Get the current market quotations

  1. Interface address:
  2. Interface specification:(get Request) to get the current market quotations
parameter Fill in type Explain
symbol Must fill Market mark,btcusdt,See below for details

Return value:

field Example explain
code 0
msg "suc" code>0fail
data as follows:
    "high": 1,//Maximum value
    "vol": 10232.26315789,//Trading volume
    "last": 173.60263169,//Latest Transaction Price
    "low": 0.01,//Minimum value
    "buy": "0.01000000",//Buy one price
    "sell": "1.12345680",//Selling price
    "rose": -0.44564773,//Ups and downs
    "time": 1514448473626
symbol cobidex-btc paris cobidex-usdt pairs
btc - btcusdt
etc etcbtc etcusdt
eth ethbtc ethusdt
ltc ltcbtc ltcusdt

Acquisition of Trading Records

  1. Interface address:
  2. Interface specification:(get Request) to obtain market transaction records
parameter Fill in type Explain
symbol Must fill Market mark,See below for details

Return value:

field Example explain
code 0
msg "suc" code>0fail
data as follows:
            "amount": 0.55,//volume
            "price": 0.18519949,//Transaction price
            "id": 447121,
            "type": "buy"//Businesstype,Buy asbuy,buysell
            "amount": 16.45,
            "price": 0.18335468,
            "id": 447120,
            "type": "buy"
            "amount": 2,
            "price": 0.18335468,
            "id": 447119,
            "type": "buy"
            "amount": 2.92,
            "price": 0.183324003,
            "id": 447118,
            "type": "sell"
symbol cobidex-btc pairs cobidex-usdt pairs
btc - btcusdt
etc etcbtc etcusdt
eth ethbtc ethusdt
ltc ltcbtc ltcusdt

Get the latest transaction price of each crypto currency pair

  1. Interface address:
  2. Interface specification:(getRequest) Get the latest transaction price of each pair of currencies
parameter Fill in type Explain
api_key Must fill api_key
time Must fill time stamp
sign Must fill autograph

Return value:

field Example explain
code 0
msg "suc" code>0fail
data {"btcusdt":15000,"ethusdt":800}
symbol cobidex-btc pairs cobidex-usdt pairs
btc - btcusdt
eth ethbtc ethusdt
ltc ltcbtc ltcusdt
etc etcbtc etcusdt

Search the depth of the order book

  1. Interface address:
  2. Interface specification:(getrequest)Search the depth of buying and selling
parameter Fill in type Explain
symbol Must fill Market mark,ethbtc,See below for details
type Must fill Depth type,step0, step1, step2(Merger depth0-2);step0time,The highest accuracy

Return value:

field Example explain
code 0
msg "suc" code>0fail
data as follows:

Get the current delegation

  1. Interface address:
  2. Interface specification:(getrequest)Get the current delegation(Including uncompleted and ongoing commissions)
parameter Fill in type Explain
symbo l Must fill Market mark,btcusdt,See below for details
pageSize Selective filling Page size
page Selective filling Page number
api_key Must fill api_key
time Must fill time stamp
sign Must fill autograph

Return value:

field Example explain
code 0
msg "suc" code>0fail
data as follows: Order status(status)Explain:
INIT(0,"Initial order,No deal has not entered the handicap"),
NEW_(1,"New order,Unfinished business enters the market"),
FILLED(2,"Full deal"),
PART_FILLED(3,"Partial transaction"),
CANCELED(4,"Withdrawal of documents"),
PENDING_CANCEL(5,"Withdrawal of order"),
EXPIRED(6,"Abnormal order");
            "status_msg":"Full deal",
            "side_msg":"Sell out",
            "status_msg":"Full deal",
symbol cobidex-btc pairs cobidex-usdt pairs
btc - btcusdt
eth ethbtc ethusdt
ltc ltcbtc ltcusdt
etc etcbtc etcusdt
usdt - -/web/new_order-Get the current delegate

Obtain order details

  1. Interface address:
  2. Interface specification:(getrequest)Obtain order details
parameter Fill in type Explain
order_id Must fill Order ID
symbol Must fill Market mark,ethbtc,See below for details
api_key Must fill api_key
time Must fill time stamp
sign Must fill autograph

Return value:

field Example explain
code 0
msg "suc" code>0fail
data as follows:
        "side_msg":"Sell out",
        "created_at":"09-22 12:22",
            "created_at":"09-22 12:22",
            "created_at":"09-22 12:22",

All Transaction Pairs and Accuracy Supported by Query System

  1. Interface address:
  2. Interface specification:(get request) query all transaction pairs and accuracy supported by the system

Return value:

field Example explain
code 0
msg "suc" code>0fail
data as follows: symbol Transaction pairs
base_coin Base currency
count_coin Money of Account
price_precision Price Precision Number(0 is a single digit)
amount_precision Quantitative precision digits (0 is a single digit)
"code": "0",
"msg": "suc",
"data": [
"symbol": "ethbtc",
"count_coin": "btc",
"amount_precision": 3,
"base_coin": "eth",
"price_precision": 8
"symbol": "ltcbtc",
"count_coin": "btc",
"amount_precision": 2,
"base_coin": "ltc",
"price_precision": 8
"symbol": "etcbtc",
"count_coin": "btc",
"amount_precision": 2,
"base_coin": "etc",
"price_precision": 8
"symbol": "ltceth",
"count_coin": "eth",
"amount_precision": 2,
"base_coin": "ltc",
"price_precision": 8
"symbol": "etceth",
"count_coin": "eth",
"amount_precision": 2,
"base_coin": "etc",
"price_precision": 8

Balance and deposit records

  1. Interface address:
  2. Interface Description:(postRequest) Get user assets and recharge records
parameter Fill in type Explain
uid Selective filling useruid(useruid,mobile_number,emailOne of the three must be filled in)
mobile_number Selective filling Inquiry user number, mobile phone number or mailbox
email Selective filling email
api_key Must fill api_key
time Must fill time stamp
sign Must fill autograph

Return value:

field Example explain
code 0 “0” - > Success
“100004” ->Illegal parameters
“100005” -> Signature error
“100007” -> illegalIP
"110032" -> Users do not have query privileges
“110020” -> The user to query does not exist
msg "suc" code>0fail
data as follows: balance_info Asset information in various currencies
deposit_list Filling Pipeline Information
        "created_at":"2018-11-14 15:37:51"

Subscription - K Line Market


{"event_rep":"subed","channel":"market_$base$quote_kline_[1min/5min/15min/30min/60min/1day/1week/1month]","cb_id":"Please Return by the Way You Came","ts":1506584998239,"status":"ok"}

    "channel":"market_$base$quote_kline_[1min/5min/15min/30min/60min/1day/1week/1month]",//Subscription transactions versus market$base$quoteExpressbtckrwetc.

    "ts":1506584998239,//Request time
        "id":1506602880,//Time scale starting value
        "amount":123.1221,//A turnover
        "vol":1212.12211,//Trading volume
        "open":2233.22,//Opening price
        "close":1221.11,//Closing price
        "high":22322.22,//Highest price
        "low":2321.22//Minimum price

Subscription - market quotations in the last 24 hours


{"event_rep":"subed","channel":"market_$base$quote_ticker","cb_id":"Please Return by the Way You Came","ts":1506584998239,"status":"ok","lower_frame":"0"} // lower_frame: 0 No coin pair off the shelf、 1 Coin pair

    "channel":"market_$base$quote_ticker",//Subscription transactions versus market$base$quoteExpress btckrw etc.
    "ts":1506584998239,//Request time
        "id":1506584998,//Redundancy, no practical significance, timestamp
        "amount":123.1221,//A turnover
        "vol":1212.12211,//Trading volume
        "open":2233.22,//Opening price
        "close":1221.11,//Closing price
        "high":22322.22,//Highest price
        "low":2321.22,//Minimum price
        "ts":1506584998239,//Data generation time

Subscription - Deep Port (High Frequency)


{"event_rep":"subed","channel":"market_$base$quote_depth_step[0-2]","cb_id":"Please Return by the Way You Came","asks":150,"bids":150,"ts":1506584998239,"status":"ok"}

    "channel":"market_$base$quote_depth_step[0-2]",//$base$quoteExpressbtckrwetc.,Depth has three dimensions012
    "ts":1506584998239,//Request time
    "channel":"market_$base$quote_depth_step[0-2]",//$base$quoteExpressbtckrwetc.,Depth has 3 dimensions012
    "ts":1506584998239,//Request time
        "side": "asks", Trading Direction  asksSelling  buys: Bid  
        "price" : 133.55,  A price segment corresponding to the opening
        "volume" : 44.22   Quantity corresponding to price segment

Subscription - Deep Port


{"event_rep":"subed","channel":"market_$base$quote_depth_step[0-2]","cb_id":"Please Return by the Way You Came","asks":150,"bids":150,"ts":1506584998239,"status":"ok"}

    "channel":"market_$base$quote_depth_step[0-2]",//$base$quoteRepresents btckrw, etc.,Depth has 3 dimensions012
    "ts":1506584998239,//Request time

Subscription-Real-time Transaction Information


{"event_rep":"subed","channel":"market_$base$quote_trade_ticker","cb_id":"Please Return by the Way You Came","ts":1506584998239,"status":"ok"}

    "channel":"market_$base$quote_trade_ticker",//Subscription transactions versus market$base$quoteExpressbtckrwetc.
    "ts":1506584998239,//Request time
        "id":12121,//dataThe biggest deal ID
        "ts":1506584998239,//dataThe biggest deal
                "id":12121,//transaction ID
                "side":"buy",//Direction of business buy,sell
                "price":32.233,//Unit Price
                "ts":1506584998239,//Data generation time
                "ds":'2017-09-10 23:12:21'
                "id":12120,//Transaction ID
                "side":"buy",//Direction of business buy,sell
                "price":32.233,//Unit Price
                "ts":1506584998239,//Data generation time
                "ds":'2017-09-10 23:12:21'

Request-K Line History Data

{"event":"req","params":{"channel":"market_$base$quote_kline_[1min/5min/15min/30min/60min/1day/1week/1month]","cb_id":"custom","since":"1506602880"}}//since The default is to return the latest 300, a return value greater than since for up to 1 hours of data, since has strong check, not earlier than the current 1 hours to 59 since

    "event_rep":"rep","channel":"market_$base$quote_kline_[1min/5min/15min/30min/60min/1day/1week/1month]","cb_id":"Please Return by the Way You Came",
    "since":"1506602880",//since Return the latest 300 items by default, return the maximum 1 hour data larger than since when it has value, and since has strong check, not earlier than the current 1 hour.
    "ts":1506584998239,//Request time
    "data":[//300 article
            "id":1506602880,//Time scale starting value
            "amount":123.1221,//A turnover
            "vol":1212.12211,//Trading volume
            "open":2233.22,//Opening price
            "close":1221.11,//Closing price
            "high":22322.22,//Highest price
            "low":2321.22//Minimum price
            "id":1506602880,//Time scale starting value
            "amount":123.1221,//A turnover
            "vol":1212.12211,//Trading volume
            "open":2233.22,//Opening price
            "close":1221.11,//Closing price
            "high":22322.22,//Highest price
            "low":2321.22//Minimum price

Request-transaction history data


    "event_rep":"rep","channel":"market_$base$quote_trade_ticker","cb_id":"Please Return by the Way You Came","ts":1506584998239,"status":"ok",
    "top":200,//Maximum support 200
            "id":12121,//Transaction ID
            "side":"buy",//Direction of businessbuy,sell
            "price":32.233,//Unit Price
            "ts":1506584998239//Data generation time
            "id":12120,//Transaction ID
            "side":"buy",//Direction of business buy,sell
            "price":32.233,//Unit Price
            "ts":1506584998239,//Data generation time
            "ds":'2017-09-10 23:12:21'

Request - 24 Market Data on Home Page-


   event_rep: "rep",
   channel: "review",
   data: {
          btcusdt: {amount: "999341.34124", close: "6450.18", high: "6486.39", low: "6359.63", open: "6435.79", }

Demo API (java)

package test;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.CharBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;


import org.java_websocket.client.DefaultSSLWebSocketClientFactory;
import org.java_websocket.client.WebSocketClient;
import org.java_websocket.drafts.Draft;
import org.java_websocket.drafts.Draft_17;
import org.java_websocket.handshake.ServerHandshake;

 * @author Squid DateTime:November 22, 2018, 9:25:20 PM 
 * Suggested use websocket client Edition 
 * <dependency> 
 * <groupId></groupId> 
 * <artifactId>Java-WebSocket</artifactId> 
 * <version>1.3.0</version> 
 * </dependency> 
public class WsTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            String url = "wss://";
//Historical data request parameters 
            String reqParam = "{"event":"req","params":{"channel":"market_btcusdt_trade_ticker","cb_id":"btcusdt","top":150}}";
//Subscription parameters 
            String subParam = "{"event":"sub","params":{"channel":"market_btcusdt_trade_ticker","cb_id":"btcusdt","top":150}}";

//Initialization request history data 
            WebSocketUtils wsc = WebSocketUtils.executeWebSocket(url, reqParam);

//Subscribe to real-time data 

//Thread does not end, waiting for new messages Generally, a new deal will return in about a minute
            while (true) {

        }catch (Exception e) {

    static class WebSocketUtils extends WebSocketClient {
        private static WebSocketUtils wsclient = null;
        private String msg = "";

        public WebSocketUtils(URI serverURI) {

        public WebSocketUtils(URI serverUri, Draft draft) {
            super(serverUri, draft);

        public WebSocketUtils(URI serverUri, Map<String, String> headers, int connecttimeout) {
            super(serverUri, new Draft_17(), headers, connecttimeout);

        public void onOpen(ServerHandshake serverHandshake) {
            System.out.println("Links have been established");


        public void onMessage(String s) {
            System.out.println("Receive a string message");

        public void onClose(int i, String s, boolean b) {
            System.out.println("Link closed");

        public void onError(Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Wrong report");

        public void onMessage(ByteBuffer socketBuffer) {
            try {
                String marketStr = byteBufferToString(socketBuffer);
                String market = uncompress(marketStr).toLowerCase();
                if (market.contains("ping")) {
                    System.out.println("Receive messageping:"+market);
                    String tmp = market.replace("ping", "pong");
                    wsclient.send(market.replace("ping", "pong"));
                } else {
                    msg = market;
                    System.out.println("Receive message:"+msg);
            } catch (IOException e) {

        public static Map<String, String> getWebSocketHeaders() throws IOException {
            Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>();
            return headers;

        private static void trustAllHosts(WebSocketUtils appClient) {
            TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = new TrustManager[] { new X509TrustManager() {
                public[] getAcceptedIssuers() {
                    return new[] {};

                public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType) throws CertificateException {

                public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType) throws CertificateException {
            } };

            try {
                SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
                sc.init(null, trustAllCerts, new;
                appClient.setWebSocketFactory(new DefaultSSLWebSocketClientFactory(sc));
            } catch (Exception e) {

        public static WebSocketUtils executeWebSocket(String url,String sendMsg) throws Exception {
            wsclient = new WebSocketUtils(new URI(url), getWebSocketHeaders(), 1000);
            return wsclient;

        // buffer turn String 
        public String byteBufferToString(ByteBuffer buffer) {
            CharBuffer charBuffer = null;
            try {
                Charset charset = Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1");
                CharsetDecoder decoder = charset.newDecoder();
                charBuffer = decoder.decode(buffer);
                return charBuffer.toString();
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                return null;

        // decompression 
        public String uncompress(String str) throws IOException {
            if (str == null || str.length() == 0) {
                return str;
            ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(str.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"));
            GZIPInputStream gunzip = new GZIPInputStream(in);
            byte[] buffer = new byte[256];
            int n;
            while ((n = >= 0) {
                out.write(buffer, 0, n);
            return out.toString();


Futures API


Endpoints under Public section can be accessed freely without requiring any API-key or signatures

Test Connectivity


This endpoint checks connectivity to the host


200: OK


Check Server Time



200: OK

    "timezone":Chinese standard time
name type example description
serverTime long 1607702400000 server timestamp
timezone string China standard time server time zone

Future list



200: OK

        "symbol": "H-HT-USDT",
        "pricePrecision": 8,
        "side": 1,
        "maxMarketVolume": 100000,
        "multiplier": 6,
        "minOrderVolume": 1,
        "maxMarketMoney": 10000000,
        "type": "H",
        "maxLimitVolume": 1000000,
        "maxValidOrder": 20,
        "multiplierCoin": "HT",
        "minOrderMoney": 0.001,
        "maxLimitMoney": 1000000,
        "status": 1
name type example description
symbol string E-BTC-USDT Contract name
status number 1 status(0:cannot trade,1:can trade
type string S contract type, E: perpetual contract, S: test contract, others are mixed contract
side number 1 Contract direction(backwards:0,1:forward)
multiplier number 0.5 Contract face value
multiplierCoin string BTC Contract face value unit
pricePrecision number 4 Precision of the price
minOrderVolume number 10 Minimum order volume
minOrderMoney number 10 Minimum order value
maxMarketVolume number 100000 Market price order maximum volume
maxMarketMoney number 100000 Market price order maximum value
maxLimitVolume number 100000 Limit price order maximum volume
maxValidOrder number 100000 Maximum valid order quantity


Market section can be accessed freely without requiring any API-key or signatures.



Market depth data


Query Parameters

limit OPTIONAL integer Default 100, Max 100
Contract name REQUIRED string Contract Name E.g. E-BTC-USDT


200: OK

Successfully retrieve market depth data

  "bids": [
      "3.90000000",   // price
      "431.00000000"  // quantity
  "asks": [
      "4.00000200",  // price
      "12.00000000"  // quantity
name type example description
time long 1595563624731 Current Timestamp (ms)
bids list Look below Order book purchase info
asks list Look below Order book selling info

The fields bids and asks are lists of order book price level entries, sorted from best to worst.

name type example description
' ' float 131.1 price level
' ' float 2.3 Total order quantity for this price level

24hrs ticker


24 hour price change statistics


Query Parameters

Contract name REQUIRED string Contract name E.g. E-BTC-USDT


200: OK

Successfully obtain ticker info

    "high": "9279.0301",
    "vol": "1302",
    "last": "9200",
    "low": "9279.0301",
    "rose": "0",
    "time": 1595563624731
name type example description
time long 1595563624731 Open time
high float 9900 Higher price
low float 8800.34 Lower price
last float 8900 Newest price
vol float 4999 Trade volume
rose string +0.5 Price variation

Get index/marked price



Query Parameters

Contract name REQUIRED string Contract name E.g. E-BTC-USDT
limit OPTIONAL string Default 100, Max 100


200: OK

    "markPrice": 581.5,
    "indexPrice": 646.3933333333333,
    "lastFundingRate": 0.001,
    "contractName": "E-ETH-USDT",
    "time": 1608273554063
name type example Description
indexPrice float 0.055 Index price
markPrice float 0.0578 Marked price
contractName string E-BTC-USDT Contract name
lastFundingRate float 0.123 Current fund rate

K line/charts data



Query Parameters

ContractName REQUIRED string Contract name E.g. E-BTC-USDT
interval REQUIRED string K-line interval, identifies the sent value as:
limit OPTIONAL integer Default 100, Max 300


200: OK

        "high": "6228.77",
        "vol": "111",
        "low": "6228.77",
        "idx": 1594640340,
        "close": "6228.77",
        "open": "6228.77"
        "high": "6228.77",
        "vol": "222",
        "low": "6228.77",
        "idx": 1587632160,
        "close": "6228.77",
        "open": "6228.77"
        "high": "6228.77",
        "vol": "333",
        "low": "6228.77",
        "idx": 1587632100,
        "close": "6228.77",
        "open": "6228.77"
name type example description
idx long 1538728740000 Start timestamp (ms)
open float 36.00000 Open price
close float 33.00000 Closing price
high float 36.00000 Max price
low float 30.00000 Min price
vol float 2456.111 Trade volume


Security: TRADE

All interfaces under the transaction require signature and API-key verification

Order creation


Creation of single new orders



X-CH-TS OPTIONAL string Time stamp
X-CH-SIGN OPTIONAL string Signature

Body Parameters

volume REQUIRED number Order quantity
price REQUIRED number Order price
ContractName REQUIRED string Contract name E.g. E-BTC-USDT
type REQUIRED string Order type, LIMIT/MARKET
side REQUIRED string trade direction, BUY/SELL
open REQUIRED string Open balancing direction, OPEN/CLOSE
position Type REQUIRED number Hold-up position, 1 full position, 2 restrictive position
clientOrderId OPTIONAL string Client order identity, a string with length less than 32 bit


200: OK

    "orderId": 256609229205684228
name type example description
orderId String 256609229205684228 Order ID

Cancel order


Speed limit rules: 20 times/ 2 seconds



X-CH-SIGN REQUIRED string Signature
X-CH-TS REQUIRED integer Time stamp

Body Parameters

contractName REQUIRED string Contract name E.g. E-BTC-USDT
orderId REQUIRED string Order ID


200: OK

    "orderId": 256609229205684228

Order details




contractName REQUIRED string


200: OK

       "side": "BUY",
       "executedQty": 0,
       "orderId": 259396989397942275,
       "price": 10000.0000000000000000,
       "origQty": 1.0000000000000000,
       "avgPrice": 0E-8,
       "transactTime": "1607702400000",
       "action": "OPEN",
       "contractName": "E-BTC-USDT",
       "type": "LIMIT",
       "status": "INIT"
name type example description
orderId long 150695552109032492 Order ID(system generated
contractName string E-BTC-USDT Contract name
price float 10.5 Order price
origQty float 10.5 Order quantity
executedQty float 20 Order quantity
avgPrice float 10.5 Average transaction price
symbol string BHTUSDT Coin pair name
status string NEW Order status. Possible values are:NEW(new order,not filled)、PARTIALLY_FILLED(partially filled)、FILLED(fully filled)、CANCELLED(already cancelled)andREJECTED(order rejected)
side string NEW Order direction. Possible values can only be:BUY(buy long)and SELL(sell short)
action string OPEN OPEN/CLOSE
transactTime long 1607702400000 Order creation time

Open order


Speed limit rules:

Obtain open contract, the user's current order



X-CH-SIGN REQUIRED string Signature
X-CH-TS REQUIRED integer Time stamp

Body Parameters

contractName REQUIRED string Contract name E.g. E-BTC-USDT
orderId REQUIRED string Order ID


200: OK

       "side": "BUY",
       "executedQty": 0,
       "orderId": 259396989397942275,
       "price": 10000.0000000000000000,
       "origQty": 1.0000000000000000,
       "avgPrice": 0E-8,
       "transactTime": "1607702400000",
       "action": "OPEN",
       "contractName": "E-BTC-USDT",
       "type": "LIMIT",
       "status": "INIT"
name type example description
orderId long 150695552109032492 Order ID(system generated)
contractName string E-BTC-USDT Contract name
price float 4765.29 Order price
origQty float 1.01 Order quantity
executedQty float 1.01 Filled orders quantity
avgPrice float 4754.24 Filled orders average price
type string LIMIT Order type. Possible values can only be:LIMIT(limit price) andMARKET(market price)
side string BUY Order direction. Possible values can only be:BUY(buy long)and SELL(sell short)
status string NEW Order status. Possible values are:NEW(new order,not filled)、PARTIALLY_FILLED(partially filled)、FILLED(fully filled)、CANCELLED(already cancelled)andREJECTED(order rejected)
action string OPEN OPEN/CLOSE
transactTime long 1607702400000 Order creation time,

Order record


Speed limit rules: 20 times/ 2 seconds



X-CH-SIGN REQUIRED string Signature
X-CH-TS REQUIRED integer Time stamp

Body Parameters

contractName REQUIRED string Contract name E.g. E-BTC-USDT
limit OPTIONAL string Lines per page, default 100, max 1000
fromId OPTIONAL integer Start retrieving from this tradeId


200: OK

    "symbol": "ETHBTC",
    "id": 100211,
    "bidId": 150695552109032492,
    "askId": 150695552109032493,
    "price": "4.00000100",
    "qty": "12.00000000",
    "time": 1499865549590,
    "isBuyer": true,
    "isMaker": false,
name type example description
symbol string ETHBTC Coin name(trade pair)
tradeId number 28457 Trade ID
bidId long 150695552109032492 Buyer order ID
askId long 150695552109032493 Seller order ID
bidUserId integer 10024 Buyer user ID
askUserId integer 10025 Seller user ID
price float 4.01 Filled price
qty float 12 Trade quantity
amount float 5.38 Filled amount
time number 1499865549590 Trade time stamp
fee number 0.001 Trading fees
side string buy Current order direction BUY purchase, SELL selling
contractName string E-BTC-USDT Contract name
isMaker boolean true is it maker?
isBuyer boolean true is it buyer?


Security: USER_DATA

All interfaces under the account require signature and API-key verification

Account info


Speed limit rules: 20 times/ 2 seconds



X-CH-SIGN REQUIRED string Signature
X-CH-TS REQUIRED integer Time stamp


200: OK

    "account": [
            "marginCoin": "USDT",
            "accountNormal": 999.5606,
            "accountLock": 23799.5017,
            "partPositionNormal": 9110.7294,
            "totalPositionNormal": 0,
            "achievedAmount": 4156.5072,
            "unrealizedAmount": 650.6385,
            "totalMarginRate": 0,
            "totalEquity": 99964804.560,
            "partEquity": 13917.8753,
            "totalCost": 0,
            "sumMarginRate": 873.4608,
            "positionVos": [
                    "contractId": 1,
                    "contractName": "E-BTC-USDT",
                    "contractSymbol": "BTC-USDT",
                    "positions": [
                            "id": 13603,
                            "uid": 10023,
                            "contractId": 1,
                            "positionType": 2,
                            "side": "BUY",
                            "volume": 69642.0,
                            "openPrice": 11840.2394,
                            "avgPrice": 11840.3095,
                            "closePrice": 12155.3005,
                            "leverageLevel": 24,
                            "holdAmount": 7014.2111,
                            "closeVolume": 40502.0,
                            "pendingCloseVolume": 0,
                            "realizedAmount": 8115.9125,
                            "historyRealizedAmount": 1865.3985,
                            "tradeFee": -432.0072,
                            "capitalFee": 2891.2281,
                            "closeProfit": 8117.6903,
                            "shareAmount": 0.1112,
                            "freezeLock": 0,
                            "status": 1,
                            "ctime": "2020-12-11T17:42:10",
                            "mtime": "2020-12-18T20:35:43",
                            "brokerId": 21,
                            "marginRate": 0.2097,
                            "reducePrice": 9740.8083,
                            "returnRate": 0.3086,
                            "unRealizedAmount": 2164.5289,
                            "openRealizedAmount": 2165.0173,
                            "positionBalance": 82458.2839,
                            "settleProfit": 0.4883,
                            "indexPrice": 12151.1175,
                            "keepRate": 0.005,
                            "maxFeeRate": 0.0025
name type description
account [] Balance collection

account field:

name type example description
marginCoin string USDT Margin coin
accountNormal float 10.05 Balance account
accountLock float 10.07 Margin frozen account
partPositionNormal float 10.07 Restricted position margin balance
totalPositionNormal float 10.07 Full position initial margin
achievedAmount float 10.07 Profit and losses occurred
unrealizedAmount float 10.05 Unfilled profit and losses
totalMarginRate float 10.05 Full position margin rate
totalEquity float 10.07 Full position equity
partEquity float 10.07 Restricted position equity
totalCost float 10.07 Full position costs
sumMarginRate float 10.07 All accounts margin rate
positionVos [ ] Position contract record

positionVos field:

name type example description
contractId integer 2 Contract id
contractName string E-BTC-USDT Contract name
contractSymbol string BTC-USDT Contract coin pair
positions [ ] Position details

positionVos field:

name type example description
id integer 2 Position id
uid integer 10023 User ID
positionType integer 1 Hold position type(1 full,2 restrictive)
side string SELL Hold position direction SELL sell long, BUY buy short
volume float 1.05 Hold quantity
openPrice float 1.05 Open position price
avgPrice float 1.05 Hold average price
closePrice float 1.05 Balancing average price
leverageLevel float 1.05 Leverage multiple
holdAmount float 1.05 Hold position margin
closeVolume float 1.05 Balanced quantity
pendingCloseVolume float 1.05 The number of pending closing orders
realizedAmount float 1.05 Profit and losses occurred
historyRealizedAmount float 1.05 Historic accumulated profit and losses
tradeFee float 1.05 Trading fees
capitalFee float 1.05 Capital costs
closeProfit float 1.05 Balancing profit and loss
shareAmount float 1.05 Amount to share
freezeLock integer 0 Position freeze status: 0 normal, 1 liquidation freeze, 2 delivery freeze
status integer 0 Position effectiveness,0 ineffective 1 effective
ctime time Creation time
mtime time Update time
brokerId integer 1023 Client id
lockTime time liquidation lock time
marginRate float 1.05 Margin rate
reducePrice float 1.05 Price reduction
returnRate float 1.05 Return rate (profit rate)
unRealizedAmount float 1.05 Unfilled profit and losses
openRealizedAmount float 1.05 Open position unfilled profit and losses
positionBalance float 1.05 Position value
indexPrice float 1.05 Newest marked price
keepRate float 1.05 Scaled minimum kept margin rate
maxFeeRate float 1.05 Balancing maximum fees rate